Kids’ Stuff at Blossom

play at blossom

create at blossom

imagine at blossom

explore at blossom

wonder at blossom

find the magic at blossom

play at blossom create at blossom imagine at blossom explore at blossom wonder at blossom find the magic at blossom

Join us for Play-based art, sensory, and tinkering Classes, Open Play sessions, Maker’s Spaces, Clubs, and more!

Open Play

Engage with the Creative and Inquiry-Based Play our space has to offer! Enjoy our small group, cozy space. We offer Open Play times specifically for different age groups so each child can get the most out of their Play. Click below to learn more and see the schedule.

Makers Space

Calling all Creators and Makers! Makers Space offers time to Think our of the Box and be inspired to turn odds and ends into Masterpieces. Check out times for Kiddo + Me, Drop off, and Workshops for those who’d like to dip their toes in with more instruction before diving into to their Creative Depths.

Play Classes

Enrichment Classes Weekday Mornings for Toddlers and Preschool Ages. Art, Tinkering, and Sensory focused options that offer Reggio Emilia inspired Provocations and Invitations, to encourage Exploration and Wonder through Development focused skill building.

Baby + Me

Sometimes you just need to get out of the house with your cute baby, and hang out with some other cute babies! Check out all of our Baby + Me offerings, including Educational Playgroups and Open Play times just for babies and their caregivers.

Clubs and Afterschool

Join us for Deep Thinking and Skill Building Clubs and Afterschool Programs for Budding Artists ages K-5

Bring your Playgroup to us!

You can bring your group to us on Mondays for a personalized Open Play, Play Class, or Workshop. This is great for playgroups and small sized classes.

under construction.. come back for more Winter Kid’s stuff information