Open Play

Come with your kiddos to explore and create


Tuesdays 1 - 4

Fridays 1 - 4

Sunday 10 - 12, 1:30 - 4:30

Sign Up

This is where the link will jump to.

Sign up before you show up

Open Play spots and times are limited.

Sign-up is online only and we can’t guarantee a spot if you don’t sign up ahead of time.

We offer so much more than just Open Play- this is another reason for signing up online first- you don’t want to show up to find you came during a class time or private event.

This is where the link will jump to

Can I pay a daily rate?

Can I pay per hour?

Got it- We booked and are coming- what are the expectations for my kid’s behavior?

The time we signed up for is our normal snack time. Is food allowed?

What if I sign up in advance but my child is sick or we have an emergency?

What about illness policies?


Not at the moment. Our capacity is small, which is great for your visit, but means we fill up fast and don’t have a way of knowing when spots will open back up. Instead, we have 1-2 hour Open Play sessions, with a set capacity, and ability to sign up ahead of time.

We are testing a 1/2 day rate on Sundays. We can not offer daily, or 1/2 day rates at price points like those big play spaces with a huge capacity can. Our rates reflect our small capacity, curated space, and commitment to offering the community something special.

Blossom Play Space evolved from a licensed in-home daycare. We understand kids will be kids- and we want them to be. The space was created for creativity, inquiry, and exploration. We do not want to limit a child’s interest or the way they want to use materials or equipment.

That being said, there are general safety rules for the other guests, for our materials, equipment, and space, and for your child(/ren). Imagine regular classroom rules. At the in-home that preceded this play space, our Three Big Rules were:

  • Be safe with friend’s bodies

  • Be safe with our things and school

  • Be safe with our own body

Every other rule falls under these main three. During Open Play, it is up to the parent or caregiver to monitor your child and help them follow our Three Big Rules. At every Open Play we have a Play Facilitator, who is there to check people in, help take care of the space, and, of course, facilitate play. This person will be giving suggestions on how to help your child follow these three rules if it seems they need guidance. Perhaps a child is overly stimulated and would benefit from a calming activity. Or maybe the Play Facilitator sees play is getting too rough or reckless. Please be respectful of the Play Facilitator and consider their suggestions. Their job is not to parent your kids but to make sure things are going smoothly and prevent issues before they occur.

We do not have a space for serving food. Try to plan food around your visit if possible. If that can’t work- know you may come and go as you please during Open Play. For example, to your car if your child needs a snack break. Or, you can sit on our entryway bench with a small, mess-free snack. There is not a lot of room for this, so it is not a great option, but is there if they really just need something before they go play again (mentioning this again, nothing messy or we will have to remove this option).

We can change or refund appointments with 48 hours’ notice. We do understand kids get sick and we don’t want people having to pay on a regular basis for time missed. There may be a way for us to reimburse a same-day sick cancellation, but this is not guaranteed and is a case-by-case situation. There may be a possibility for a change in appointment or refund if it was the only cancellation of the day and/or we can fill the spot. We could not do this for multiple same-day cancellations. Please reach out if you find yourself in this situation. Know we will try our best to accommodate needs.

We have the same policies as your school or daycare, except there is no Dr’s-note-pass.

Please be reasonable and mindful of public health when considering if your child is well enough to visit.


Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, moderate-severe coughing or mucous, diagnosis of a contagious disease, lice or any other spreadable insect such as fleas or bedbugs

The usual stuff you wouldn’t want to be responsible for spreading or pick up.
