Kid’s Classes

Creative and Inquiry-Based, Wonder-filled, Brain-Power Boosting Classes for Infants through Elementary School Ages

Art +

Science +

Music +


Add Wonder to Your Week

Fall Classes

The magical part of your week

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Infant Classes

Quality bonding time, socialization, and educational classes for Kiddo + Me! Any caregiver may join their little for our sweet and engaging infant classes.

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Toddler Classes

Quality bonding time, socialization, and educational classes for Kiddo + Me! Any caregiver may join their little ones for our sweet and creative classes for ages 1-3. Any caregiver is welcome to attend with their kiddo.

  • Toddler Circle Time Friends

    Come sing, dance, and learn with friends! circle time friends integrates books, songs, props, and movement during a gathering time.

    We tie in early literacy and number sense skills while improving social-emotional development and instilling classroom habits such as listening to a teacher, following directions, and sharing spaces with friends.

    Any caregiver is welcome.

    Session 1: Wednesdays, 9:00 am - 9:30 am

    Session 2: Wednesdays, 9:00 am - 9:30 am

    Session 3: Wednesdays, 9:00 am - 9:30 am


  • Toddler Playgroup- Socialization and Seperation

    Playgroup offers a time to play and socialize with other toddlers and their parents or caregivers. Come with friends or come to make new ones!

    This playgroup specifically works on socialization and separation skills such as sharing materials and playing independently of the parent or caregiver.

    This is not a drop-off class but does help ready children for future drop-off situations.

    Session 2: Tuesdays, 10:30 am - 11:30 am

    Session 3: Tuesdays, 10:30 am - 11:30 am


  • Builders and Movers

    Bring your vehicle and blocks-obsessed kiddo for our building + moving time.

    Each week we will have an invitation to build and make things go! we will have some favorite vehicles and blocks available, as well as thought-provoking set-ups that expose your curious kiddo to the world of engineering, physics, and mechanics, on a toddler level, of course.

    Session 1: 10:30 am - 11:30 am


Mixed-Age Classes

For those wanting to bring siblings or wanting a wider-age range experience- our mixed-age kiddo + me classes add wonder and creativity for ages 1-6. Any caregiver is welcome to attend!

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Preschool Classes

Bring your curious 3-6 year old for art, science, music, movement, and social classes! Parents do not need to be involved in class- feel free to bring a laptop and get some work done. Check out our mixed toddler-preschool age classes for ages 1-6.

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Elementary-Aged Classes

Drop off your Elementary-Aged Kiddos for creative and inquiry-based classes that activate minds and build confidence.

  • Thinking Outside the Box

    Join us for a unique and brain-boosting after-school program. This class is totally child-guided and project-based. Each group may be different but themes could be: mad scientist, experimental art, costuming, slime, mythical creatures, creative building, to name a few.

    Session 1: Wednesday

  • Art History

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Fall Class Schedule

All Kid’s Classes- Sign Up