Want to Work With Us?

Blossom Play Space is currently looking for teachers for a wide variety of group classes.

Including, but not limited to:

  • Yoga for all age ranges

  • Mindfulness or Meditation for all ages

  • Crafts for all age ranges

  • Language Immersion for children and/or families

  • Sciences for children

  • Culture/Social Studies classes for children and/or families

  • Developmental classes for children in a group setting, such as reading help, OT, or Play Therapy

  • Modern Parenting Classes

  • Caregiver classes for any type of need

  • Group classes to make a typical 1:1 session more accessible

Classes at Blossom Play Space must be aligned with the brand identity and values of the space. Classes here are to be unique, creative, and progressive. A few goals of the space are to be conducive to thought and innovation, to be inclusive and accepting, and to honor our Earth and its living things. All classes and materials brought into the space must be done with these goals in mind. If this sounds like a great fit, please let us know what you have to offer.

If you do not have a specific class in mind, but do want to be a part of Blossom Play Space, please fill out the form and indicate in what capacity. In the future, we will need front desk assistants, class assistants, and caregivers for drop off times. If you’d like to come visit as an influencer, also use the form below to reach out.

Thanks for reaching out!

Expect up to 3 business days for a response.

Follow us on insta and facebook to stay connected!